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Division of Student Affairs

Greek Life

"Student Affairs Cares"

全国泛希腊理事会帮助并促进澳门皇冠体育神圣希腊字母组织的福利. All NPHC organizations were founded on the principles of service, sisterhood/brotherhood and scholarship. 每个兄弟会或姐妹会都必须遵守这些原则,并促进学术卓越.

Active Organizations

ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. was founded December 4, 1906, at Cornell University on the principles of scholarship, manly deeds and love for all mankind. Delta Phi Chapter was established at JSU on March 3, 1953.
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ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY, INC. was founded January 15, 1908, 霍华德大学以培养和鼓励团结和友谊的学术和道德标准为理念. Gamma Rho Chapter was established at JSU on April 24, 1949.
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KAPPA ALPHA PSI FRATERNITY, INC. was founded on January 5, 1911, 在印第安纳大学协助学院和大学的目标,以团结大学生的文化在一个乐队的兄弟. Delta Delta Chapter was established at JSU on May 6, 1951.
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OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY, INC. was founded on November 17, 1911, at Howard University with the ideals of scholarship, perseverance, 在他们的心中和其他人的心中都充满了男子气概和人类的提升. Upsilon Epsilon Chapter was established at JSU on March 25, 1949.
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DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. was founded on January 13, 1913, 作为一个公共服务的姐妹会,促进学术卓越,并为有需要的人提供帮助. Delta Pi Chapter was established at JSU on November 5, 1952. 
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PHI BETA SIGMA FRATERNITY, INC. was founded on January 9, 1914, at Howard University on the principles of brotherhood, scholarship and service. Alpha Beta Chapter was established at JSU on November 21, 1927.
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ZETA PHI BETA SORORITY, INC. was founded on January 16, 1920, 带着以学术理想为基础的愿景来到霍华德大学, service, sisterly love and finer womanhood. Lambda Beta Chapter was established at JSU on March 16, 1948.
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SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. was founded on November 12, 1922, at Butler University as an organization devoted to Greater Service, Greater Progress. Alpha Tau Chapter was established at JSU in 1941.
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IOTA PHI THETA FRATERNITY, INC. was founded on September 19, 1963, at Morgan State University and aims for the perpetuation of brotherhood, scholarship, leadership, citizenship and fidelity of all mankind. Delta Psi Chapter was established at JSU on August 1, 2003.
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 NPHC Council


Imani Brown

NPHC Council | Madam President

NPHC Council Board Members


Jaquan Nelson

1st Vice President

Ka'Pri Burden

2nd Vice President

Anthony McFarland


Ronnie Brown

Business Manager

Lauren Temple


Latavius Johnson


Membership Intake Program 

有兴趣参加入会的学生必须参加大学赞助的入会计划(MIP)会议. This mandatory meeting is held in the Fall Semester. 有兴趣加入兄弟会或姐妹会的学生必须满足所列的MIP要求. (Note: a $30.00 entrance fee is assessed).



Transfer students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.70, 在JSU学习了至少18个学时,并在JSU注册了至少一个学期的全日制课程,然后才有资格成为会员.


Anti-Hazing Policy

为了减少关于什么是欺辱以及学校对任何被视为欺辱的活动的立场的任何错误信息, the following University statement and policy concerning hazing, 以下是大学关于欺侮的声明和政策,供您参考.  禁止一切诱导仪式或个人行为导致精神或身体痛苦的场合, including illegal, unrecognized or underground pledge/initiation lines. Specifically, hazing is denied as nay action taken or situation or intimidation created, intentionally whether on or off campus, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, ridicule, or the breaking of school rules. Activities considered as “hazing” include two elements: (1) Coercion, either overt or covert, and (2) Production of physical or mental discomfort, in either the participant(s) or spectators.  由一个团体或一个团体的成员对新成员或一个团体的审判成员对新成员或审判成员建议或命令的这种活动将被视为带有隐蔽胁迫, even if the activity is defined as “voluntary.” Paddling in any form, 身体和心理上的冲击和造成过度疲劳总是被认为是欺侮. 其他经常带有欺侮元素的活动是:任务, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities; wearing apparel in public which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; late work sessions which interfere with scholastic activities which are not consistent with the regulations of the university.  参与欺侮行为的个人或组织将受到大学的纪律处分,并可能受到法律制裁. 

Educating to Eliminate Hazing
Foster Unity让你组织的成员一起参与一个社区服务项目. 参加绳索课程,锻炼团队凝聚力、沟通能力和领导能力. 在有房子的组织中,团队可能会一起完成一个房间改善项目. 另一个培养团结而不受欺侮的选择是让成员们一起计划与另一个组织的社交或体育活动.

Develop Problem Solving Abilities: Have new members discuss organization weaknesses such as poor recruitment, apathy, and poor scholarship, and plan solutions that the organization might then adopt.

Develop Leadership Skills: Encourage participation in campus activities outside of the organization. 鼓励新成员参与组织委员会和/或领导角色. Develop a peer mentor program within your organization for
leadership roles.

Instill a Sense of Membership当整个组织的人聚在一起看电影时,计划一些特别的活动, play, or religious service. 策划一个“会员圈”,让学生参加烛光服务,每个人都有机会表达会员资格对他们意味着什么.

Promote Scholarship: Take advantage of your university academic and tutoring services. Designate study hours for members of your organization. Invite university or community experts to discuss test-taking skills, study methods, time management, etc.

Build Awareness of Organization’s History: Invite an older member to talk about the organization’s early days, its founding, special traditions, and prominent former members.

Aid Career Goals: Use university resources for seminars on resume writing, job interview skills, and for information on various careers.

Involve All Members in the Community: Get involved with campus and community service projects. Plan fund raisers for local charitable organizations.

Improve Relations with Other Organizations: Encourage new members to plan social or service projects with other organizations; work together to plan joint social or service activities.

Division of Student Affairs


1400 John R. Lynch Street
Student Center
Jackson, MS 39217-0280

Phone: 601.979.2241